Thanks to its five elements, balance-time® can be used flexibly and can be tailored to the needs of very different companies and institutions (production companies, service companies, office workplaces, schools, teachers, health care, etc.).
> one-to-one turns at individual workplace
> one-to-one work in a separate room
Balance-time® is an institutionalized time for equalizing. The motto is "from outer work to inner work". It usually takes place 2-3 times a day for about 5 minutes. We systematically train and coach our internal balance-time® instructor. These work interruptions correspond to a conscious pause directly on site, and offer space to come completely into the moment and to oneself. During this time, guidance is given for anatomically useful movements. These breaks do not lead to any loss of productivity, quite the contrary is true: they effectively prevent work-related complaints and improve performance. This is confirmed by consistent research on micropauses, my own experience with employees and data collected from companies.
The balance-time® exercises are accompanied by written basics and training films. These are made available during the corresponding training courses.
> workplace optimization/ergonomics
Dr. med. M. Gauger
Ruedi Schuler, AL Stage Design, Schauspielhaus Zurich
using the body – oneself as a whole -
in the way, it is meant to be."
wie er gedacht ist.»
F.M. Alexander
Marjorie Barlow